How to Clean Exterior Window?

To clean exterior windows, mix a solution of water and vinegar, then apply it with a sponge. Rinse the windows with clean water and dry with a squeegee for a streak-free finish.

Making sure your windows are sparkling clean can significantly boost your home’s curb appeal. Grime and dirt on windows can impede natural light and detract from the overall beauty of your home. Cleaning your exterior windows not only enhances the look of your house but also extends the life of the windows by removing corrosive substances.

Regularly cleaned windows can prevent hard water stains and mineral deposit buildup, ensuring clear views and an inviting ambiance. Whether you’re doing a spring clean or preparing for a special occasion, clear windows are essential for an impeccable home appearance. Follow this simple process to achieve professionally cleaned windows without having to hire experts.

best way to clean exterior windows
Best Way to Clean Exterior Windows


Safety First: Preparing To Clean Exterior Windows



Before you start, understanding the importance of safety is key. Exterior window cleaning is not just about sparkling glass. It’s about doing it without any accidents. Let’s make sure you’re prepped and ready with the right gear and a safe environment.

Choosing The Right Equipment

It starts with the right tools. High-quality squeegees, cleaners, and ladders make the job smoother. Want to avoid unnecessary risks? Choose tools that suit your window’s height and structure. Here is what you might need:

  • Ladder: Ensure it’s stable and the proper height.
  • Squeegee: A must-have for streak-free windows.
  • Bucket: For the cleaning solution.
  • Scrubber: To loosen dirt and grime.
  • Gloves: Protect your hands from cleaners.
  • Non-abrasive Cleaner: So you won’t damage your windows.

Securing Your Workspace

Next, make sure your workspace is safe. Secure the base of your ladder on solid ground. Clear the area of obstacles. Inform people that cleaning is in progress. Here’s what to check:

  1. Flat Ground: Ladder feet should be on level and firm surface.
  2. Access Area: Keep pets and children away from the workspace.
  3. Weather Conditions: Avoid windy or wet days.

By following these safety steps, you’ll be set for a successful clean. Remember, taking a few extra minutes to prepare can save you from potential accidents. So, strap on your safety gear, secure your ladder, and let’s make those windows shine!

clean exterior windows
Clean Exterior Windows


Selecting The Appropriate Cleaning Solutions


Sparkling exterior windows can transform your home’s curb appeal. Choosing the right cleaning solutions is crucial to ensure a streak-free shine. Different types of cleansers can affect your windows and the environment differently. Let’s explore the options.

Diy Vs. Commercial Cleaners

Home-made mixtures save money and are often at hand. Common ingredients include water, vinegar, and dish soap. These create an effective solution for window cleaning, but consider the task size.

DIY Cleaner Commercial Cleaner
  • Economical
  • Readily available materials
  • Mild/No chemicals
  • Stronger cleaning power
  • Convenience
  • May contain harsh chemicals

Commercial cleaners provide convenience with ready-to-use formulas. These may offer more power against grime and dirt, yet some include harsh chemicals.

Eco-friendly Options

  1. Vinegar and water solution (1:1 ratio) is natural and effective.
  2. Use a microfiber cloth or newspaper to reduce waste.
  3. Lemon juice acts as a natural grease cutter and freshener.
  4. Look for certified eco-friendly commercial products if preferred.

Eco-friendly solutions protect the environment and your health. These options prevent toxic runoff and reduce chemical exposure to your family and pets.

The Cleaning Process: Step By Step

Clean windows can transform your home’s exterior with shine and sparkle. A step-by-step process ensures streak-free panes. Let’s dive into the stages of effective exterior window cleaning.

Dusting And Wiping Down

First things first, remove loose dirt from your windows. Use a soft brush or a dry cloth. Pay attention to corners and crevices where spider webs and dust accumulate. This step prepares the windows for a deeper clean, ensuring the best results.

Applying Cleaner

Choose a window cleaner suitable for outdoor use. You can make a homemade mix with water and vinegar. Apply generously with a spray bottle or from a bucket. Start from the top to ensure the cleaner does not drip onto already cleaned areas.

Scrubbing Techniques

Gentle circular motions work best for scrubbing. Use a sponge or soft-bristled brush. Scrub in sections to avoid missing spots. For higher windows, use a ladder with caution or a telescopic window-cleaning tool. Rinse thoroughly with water to wash away all soap and grime.

cleaning exterior windows
Cleaning Exterior Windows


Dealing With Stubborn Stains And Residues

Cleaning exterior windows often involves removing tough marks. Stains and residues from environmental exposure, hard water, and other materials can cling to glass surfaces. These require special attention beyond regular washing techniques.

Natural Remedies For Tough Spots

Natural solutions are safe and eco-friendly ways to tackle difficult window stains. Try these household ingredients for effective cleaning:

  • Vinegar Solution: Mix equal parts water and distilled white vinegar. Apply with a sponge, let sit for a minute, then scrub gently.
  • Baking Soda Paste: Combine baking soda with small amounts of water to form a paste. Rub onto spots in a circular motion, rinse well afterward.
  • Lemon Juice: Lemon’s acidity breaks down residue. Mix with water, spray on stains, then wipe away after a few minutes.

Specialized Products For Residue Removal

For residue that natural remedies can’t handle, specialized cleaning products step up:

Product Type Application Usage Tips
Glass Scrapers Gently scrape away residue. Use on dry glass to avoid scratches.
Commercial Cleaners Spray or apply as indicated on the label. Opt for ammonia-free formulas to prevent streaking.
Calcium Lime Removers Apply directly to stains, let sit, then rinse. Wear gloves and avoid contact with skin and vegetation.

Remember to always follow product instructions for safe, effective use.

Finishing Touches For Streak-free Windows

Shining windows set the tone for a home’s curb appeal. The final steps can turn a good job into a great one. Below are the essentials for achieving those perfect, streak-free windows every homeowner dreams of.

Squeegee Tips For A Clear Finish

Using a squeegee is the secret for clear glass without streaks. Just like the pros, draw the squeegee horizontally across the window. Overlap your strokes for complete coverage. Dry the blade after each swipe.

  • Hold the squeegee at the right angle.
  • Dry the edges with a separate cloth.
  • Work from top to bottom smoothly.
  • Avoid direct sunlight to minimize streaking.

Buffing And Polishing

Once you’ve squeegeed, buff any remaining water droplets with a microfiber cloth. Microfiber won’t leave lint or residue behind. For smudges, use a clean cloth and a dab of vinegar.

  1. Wipe in a circular motion to polish windows.
  2. Switch to a new cloth when the first gets damp.
  3. Look at the window from angles to spot streaks.

Maintenance Tips To Keep Windows Clean Longer

Sparkling window exteriors enhance a home’s beauty. Yet, dust and grime can quickly diminish their shine. Discover essential tips for maintaining your windows’ clarity and brilliance.

Regular Cleaning Schedules

Adopting a consistent routine for window cleaning is crucial. Here’s how:

  • Monthly inspections; spot clean marks and fingerprints.
  • Note seasonal changes; increased wash frequency might be necessary.
  • Use a simple diary or calendar to track cleaning days.

Consistency ensures minor impurities don’t turn into stubborn stains.

Protective Measures Against Dirt Buildup

Minimize how often you need to clean with these strategies:

  • Apply a quality window sealant for a protective layer against pollutants.
  • Position awnings or overhangs to shield windows from excessive exposure.
  • Install screens to fend off dust and debris carried by wind.

These steps help in keeping your windows clean and bright, boosting their lifespan.

Frequently Asked Questions Of How To Clean Exterior Window?

What Is The Best Way To Clean Outside Windows?

The best way to clean outside windows involves using a squeegee, mild detergent, and warm water. Mix the solution, apply with a sponge, then squeegee off for a streak-free finish. Rinse squeegee between strokes. Dry window edges with a lint-free cloth.

What Do Professionals Use To Clean Outside Windows?

Professionals often use squeegees, water-fed poles, eco-friendly cleaning solutions, and specialized scrubbers to clean outside windows. They may also use ladders or scaffolding for accessibility.

What Is The Best Way To Clean Outside Windows Without Streaking?

To clean outside windows without streaking, mix equal parts water and vinegar. Spray onto the glass and wipe with a squeegee for a streak-free finish. Ensure a dry, cloudy day for best results. Use a lint-free towel to avoid residue.

Is Dawn Dish Soap Good For Washing Outside Windows?

Yes, Dawn dish soap effectively cleans outside windows, cutting through grease and leaving a streak-free shine. Use it in a diluted solution for best results.


Cleaning your exterior windows doesn’t have to be daunting. By following the simple steps outlined, you’ll enjoy crystal-clear views in no time. Whether it’s seasonal maintenance or a part of your spring-cleaning regimen, the right techniques and tools make all the difference.

Sparkling windows are within reach—grab your supplies and get started!



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